Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Primary Manipulation 4 RGT 玫瑰金夾 #8 OVERSIZE Fountain pen

意大利 Leonardo Primary Manipulation 4 RGT Fountain pen 玫瑰金夾 鋼筆

款號 Item# : LEPMANPM4RG
顏色 Color : Iridescent / 彩色
筆尖 Nib : 14K
Nib Size : F / M


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Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Primary Manipulation 4 RGT Fountain pen 玫瑰金夾 鋼筆
The colors of the Primary Manipulation 4 mix makes every single pen unique. It is a very colorful and unique resin with warm and cold tones mixed with a pearlescence/metallic effect.
Special size Nib# 8, (14K)
The tapered shape is inspired by the classic Italian design.

Primary Manipulation 4 混合的顏色使每一支筆都獨一無二。是一種色彩豐富且獨特的樹脂,具有暖色調和冷色調以及珠光/金屬效果, 閃耀七彩金流沙夢幻感覺。每支筆杆的顏色及深淺度都是自己流放出來, 有的低調含蓄, 有的嬌艷綻放, 有的高雅亮麗…….. 每支都有自己獨特的個性。

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 260 × 150 × 100 mm
Select Size 點選筆尖

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