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■ 秋夜,漂鳥飛過湖面,越過滿月的倒影。 ■ On an autumn night, drifting birds fly across the lake, past the reflection of the full moon.
■ 夏夜搖曳的篝火,映照着潮漲的海面 ■ Flickering bonfires over the high tide sea on a summer night.
■ 春夜花瓣飄落在融化的雪河上。 ■ On a spring night, petals flutter along a melting snow river.
■ 中秋月亮升起,夜空靜默無聲。 ■ The mid-autumn moon appears in a tranquil night sky.
■ 金木犀樹開滿了嬌嫩的花朵,散發出豐厚的香氣。 ■ From delicate flowers, A rich fragrance emanates from the osmanthus tree.
■ 喝一杯帶有濃郁苦味的茶,滿足盛夏的口渴。 ■ To quench the thirst of midsummer. A cup of tea with a pronounced bitterness.
■ 藤花下,少女翩翩起舞。 ■ Beneath the wisteria flower clusters, a young maiden displays an elegant dance.
■ 被飛舞的花瓣所吸引,抬頭望去,櫻花樹林一片粉紅。
■ Enticed by dancing flower petals. Looking up, a forest of cherry blossom colors unfolds.
■ 剛學會歌唱的小夜鶯,試着宣告春天的到來。 ■ A young nightingale just learned to sing, attempting to announce the arrival of spring.
■ 淡淡的雪光輕輕照亮寂靜。 ■ Gently illuminating the silence. A faint snow light.
■ 爐火的溫暖化解了寒冷刺骨的感覺。 ■ The warmth of a hearth eases the biting cold on the skin.
■ 秋天的深山中,紅葉編織成緋紅的地毯。 ■ In the deep mountains of autumn, Clusters of red leaves weave a scarlet carpet.
■ 美麗的山鳥落在溪流的對岸。 ■ Descending beyond the stream’s opposite bank. A beautiful mountain bird alights.
■ 在炙熱的太陽下,大地燃燒且乾涸。 ■ Under the scorching sun. The earth burns and dries.
■ 一望無際的湛藍天空,沒有一絲雲彩。 ■ A clear, boundless sky. Without a single cloud.
■海底的海松飄動,深綠色帶著一絲藍。 ■Deep in the sea. Drifting like kelp. A deep green tinged with blue.
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