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Montblanc The Blues Palette Set – 3x30ml Ink Bottle


Price currency is Hong Kong Dollar

此套裝包括3 x 30ml 樽裝墨水 Ultramarine、Maya Blue、Egyptian Blue。
This set includes 3 x 30ml Ink Bottle of Ultramarine, Maya Blue and Egyptian Blue.

品牌 Brand: Montblanc 萬寶龍
墨水 Ink Type: 水性染料墨水 Water-based Dyed Ink
容量 Volume: 30ml X3

Made In Austria 奧地利製造

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Montblanc Ink Bottle Blue Palette 藍調系列

Montblanc is launching the Blue Palette collection, which reflects its commitment to promoting writing culture and the joy of writing. The collection draws inspiration from the historical significance of blue pigments in art. Blue pigments have a fascinating history that encompasses scientific breakthroughs, international trade, and ingenious artistic solutions.

Montblanc 推出全新的藍調系列,以實現其對書寫文化和書寫樂趣的承諾,並受到藝術中藍色顏料的歷史啟發。藍色顏料承載著科學發明、全球貿易和藝術創作技巧的豐富歷史。

此套裝包括3 x 30ml 樽裝墨水 Ultramarine、Maya Blue、Egyptian Blue。

This set includes 3 x 30ml Ink Bottle of Ultramarine, Maya Blue and Egyptian Blue.


Weight 0.85 kg
Type 類型

Bottled Ink 樽裝墨水

Brand 品牌

Colour 顏色

Blue 藍色

Volume 容量

30 mL

SKU: MB119576 Category:

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