Pelikan M1000 Maki-e Kingfisher 翡翠 翠鳥蒔繪 Fountain Pen



◆作者Artisan:中村省三 Shozo Nakamura
◆技法 Technique:加賀研出高蒔繪| Togidashi-Taka Maki-e (Burnished-Raised Maki-e)
◆筆尖Nib: 18C 雙色金尖 M尖 | 18C-750 two-toned gold nib Medium Size
◆上墨方式 Filling System:活塞上墨 | Piston
◆限量123支,刻有獨立編號和作者署名 | Limited to 123 numbered and signed pcs
◆精緻桐木禮盒包裝 | Stored in a Kiri Paulownia wooden box


Pelikan M1000 翡翠蒔繪鋼筆描繪了秋楓秘境之中兩隻活靈活現的美麗翠鳥,一隻佇立在樹枝上,另一隻正俯衝進水中覓食;除了成對的翠鳥一動一靜的佈局之外,七彩的螺鈿亦與火紅的楓葉相映成趣。

翠鳥的耳羽和胸腹呈橙棕色,身體則披著鮮艷奪目的翠綠色羽衣,看起來像寶石,因此又名「翡翠」。翠鳥以細小的魚蝦為食,捕食時會俯衝進水裡,用尖長的喙部夾住水中的獵物,是名符其實的捕魚能手「Kingfisher」。在香港,你也能找到不同翠鳥的蹤影,例如最常見的普通翠鳥(Common Kingfisher)、白胸翡翠(White-throated Kingfisher)、藍翡翠(Black-capped Kingfisher)等等。

Pelikan M1000 Maki-e Kingfisher Fountain Pen

Kingfisher is a small bird that lives near the waterside. The kingfisher has a long, dagger-like beak. The plumage of most kingfishers is bright, with green and blue being the most common colors.

In Japanese, it is also called jade or blue gemstone because of its bright colors. On the fountain pen, two beautiful Kingfishers are vividly painted on the background of burning red autumn leaves. The motive fantastically expresses a colorful scene in the autumn of Japan.

◆限量123支,刻有獨立編號和作者署名 (號碼隨機發放) | Limited to 123 numbered and signed pcs
◆精緻桐木禮盒包裝 | Stored in a Kiri Paulownia wooden box

◆技法 Technique:加賀研出高蒔繪| Togidashi-Taka Maki-e (Burnished-Raised Maki-e)
◆作者Artisan:中村省三 Shozo Nakamura
◆筆尖Nib: 18C 雙色金尖 M尖 | 18C-750 two-toned gold nib Medium Size
◆上墨方式 Filling System:活塞上墨 | Piston


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