
Platinum #3776 Celluloid Jade 翠玉 Fountain Pen 鋼筆


日本Platinum #3776 賽璐珞 翠玉 金夾 鋼筆

款號 Item# : PLPTB35000S-45
顏色 Color : Green / 綠色
筆尖 Nib : 14K
Nib Size : F

Platinum #3776 Celluloid Jade 翠玉 Fountain Pen鋼筆
Celluloid is a very difficult material to use, requiring an exacting process to create, followed by an extended curing process to ensure the stability of the material.

Jade is symbol peace, safe and elegant, and the royal family likes this material for ornaments or household items.
And the UK especially likes this emerald green, which is Royal Green.
翠玉有平安, 低調, 優雅的特質, 皇室都喜歡這個材料去做飾物或家品。
而英國尤其喜歡這種翡翠綠色, 稱為 “Royal Green”.

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 260 × 150 × 100 mm
Select Nib Size 點選筆尖

Fine (細)

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